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Scientific translation
(from 2 hours)

  • Accurate and correct translation corresponding to a source text
  • Discounts on the translation of documents and texts in excess of 5 pages
  • Translators with knowledge in specific scientific fields
  • Possibility to order online
  • Notarization of translation (оригинал документа не требуется)
  • Privacy guaranteed

Many novice translators confuse technical and scientific translation of texts from/to a foreign language. Despite the general similarity, scientific translation is considered to be one of the most difficult types.This type of translation is usually used for the presentation of texts for the purpose of their further publication in scientific journals or presentation at scientific conferences.It is important to correctly translate and construe all terminology present, observe the form of presentation and use the most accurate and concise verbal constructions.What are other differences between the translation of scientific texts and the technical translation?

Scientific translation difficulties

The main difficulty in translating a scientific text is the difficulty of interpreting the terminology used.It is specifically obvious when describing inventions and technologies that have not yet become widely used.In other words, a linguist, in addition to knowing the direct translation, must understand the general context and be well-versed in the area of knowledge to which the translated text is dedicated.

Moreover, it is important to take into account linguistic constructions and the manner of presentation adopted in the academic community of a particular country.Any deviation from the accepted expressions catches the eye of a native speaker and causes a negative reaction.So, the translator must use not only words being specialized terms, but also expressions used in the general technical field, the so-called “semi-professional” jargon.

The incorrect understanding of the text written by the translator or its incorrect presentation in a foreign language leads to confusion and distortion of the original meaning.Such problems are usually found in the articles translated by unqualified translators, who do not understand well what the paper is about.Only an expert in a specific field of knowledge must work on scientific texts.

Services and rates

  • Translation (see details)

    from 800

    rubles per page

  • Notarization of translation (оригинал документа не требуется)


    rubles за документ

  • Apostille Ministry of Justice (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille ЗАГС (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille Ministry of Education (45 days) любой регион РФ (see details)


    +2500 state fee

    +1700 power of attorney

    +680 notarized copy of the passport

  • Получение справки об отсутствии судимости (see details)



  • Получение повторного документа из архива ЗАГС любой регион РФ


    +350 state fee

    +1700 power of attorney

  • Доставка по СПБ (в день готовности заказа)



  • Доставка по РФ и в другие страны (see details)

    from 900


  • Notarized copy of document


    +120 за страницу

  • Additional copy of translation (храним бессрочно)



Сalculation of cost, online order

Доставка осуществляется по Санкт-Петербургу и другим регионам РФ,
а также в следующие страны: Армения, Казахстан,Киргизия, Беларусь.

Доставка осуществляется компанией Логотип СДЭК

Расчет стоимости доставки

Documents and materials requiring scientific translation

The category of scientific translation may include the following works:

  • Translation of scientific articles from collections of scientific conferences, symposia and periodicals.
  • Translation of scientific literature published in a foreign language.
  • Translation of scientific papers prepared for doctoral and candidate of sciences degrees, essays, etc.
  • Translation of results of research conducted.
  • Translation of curriculum vitae, reviews of certain papers, reviews of theses.

Translation of scientific texts with the help of Translation Agency

There are more than 17 thousand different scientific areas in the world, and each of them has texts that require translation.It is impossible to be an expert in every field.Therefore, even if you are fluent in the required foreign language, it is hardly possible to perform a high-quality translation by yourself.

It is quick and easy to order and receive translations!

Use our online service for translation of documents and texts.

Сalculation of cost, online order