ul. Vosstaniya, 6

Mon-Sun 9:00-22:00

8 (812) 660-06-06

Technical translation
(from 2 hours)

  • Discounts on the translation of documents and texts in excess of 5 pages
  • Translators specializing in the translation of technical documents and literature
  • Possibility to order online
  • Urgent translations as from 2 hours
  • Privacy guaranteed

Technical translation includes work on texts from various fields of science and engineering distinguished by a particular style of presentation and containing many specific terms and concepts. A translator who undertakes to translate technical literature simply has no right to miss a single stylistic peculiarity, since this can distort the meaning of the entire text, which is immediately noticed by an expert having a good understanding of such industry.

Technical translation features

Compared to the work on texts on other topics, scientific and technical translation has a number of features:

  • As a rule, materials are filled with a large number of highly specialized terms, therefore only the translator who is well-versed in the proposed topic and understands what the technical text is about can be engaged in their translation.
  • Texts contain special information, which is often new, not known to anyone. Therefore, the translator who proceeds with work must study a wide list of references, consult with specialists and always monitor the relevance of the information presented.

Services and rates

  • Translation (see details)

    from 800

    rubles per page

  • Notarization of translation (оригинал документа не требуется)


    rubles за документ

  • Apostille Ministry of Justice (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille ЗАГС (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (3-5 days) по СПб и ЛО (see details)


    +2500 state fee

  • Apostille Ministry of Education (45 days) любой регион РФ (see details)


    +2500 state fee

    +1700 power of attorney

    +680 notarized copy of the passport

  • Получение справки об отсутствии судимости (see details)



  • Получение повторного документа из архива ЗАГС любой регион РФ


    +350 state fee

    +1700 power of attorney

  • Доставка по СПБ (в день готовности заказа)



  • Доставка по РФ и в другие страны (see details)

    from 900


  • Notarized copy of document


    +120 за страницу

  • Additional copy of translation (храним бессрочно)



  • Interpretation (see details)

    from 1000


Сalculation of cost, online order

Доставка осуществляется по Санкт-Петербургу и другим регионам РФ,
а также в следующие страны: Армения, Казахстан,Киргизия, Беларусь.

Доставка осуществляется компанией Логотип СДЭК

Расчет стоимости доставки

Translation of technical texts is carried out in several stages:

  • At the first stage of work, the translator should take a look at the text, read it carefully in order to understand the meaning. It is very important to make a correct, competent and adequate translation of the title reflecting the essence of the text, since experts will select materials that may be needed in their work based on the title.
  • The text is divided into specific parts, each of which is translated separately.
  • Then the translated text is stylistically edited.
  • The text is processed according to language rules, stylistic errors and repetitions are eliminated, the correctness of choice of terms and titles is checked.
  • After the translation of technical documentation is completed, the expert shall send the result of work to the customer in a convenient form and format.

It is quick and easy to order and receive translations!

Use our online service for translation of documents and texts.

Сalculation of cost, online order